Genuine freedom is the ability to respond fully to God out of who He created and redeemed you to be. Core lies, soul wounds, demonic oppression and life patterns are all obstacles that can stand in the way of the life of freedom Jesus has made available to every believer. Those obstacles cause us to feel distant from God. Freedom Ministry is designed to help you learn to hear and respond to God’s voice. We’ll help you identify and remove those things that are currently hindering your growth, enter the life you were made for, discover your identity in Christ and learn how to be an influence in the lives of others.

In Christ, we have the ability to enjoy a high level of spiritual, emotional, relational and physical freedom. Obstacles such as lack of understanding, fear and unforgiveness can lead to uncontrolled emotions, compulsive thoughts, destructive behaviors or broken relationships. All of these hinder our joy and spiritual power. Freedom Ministry teaches and assists us in engaging the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome these obstacles so that we can experience the abundant life that Jesus provided for us. Whether you face personal obstacles or simply want to accelerate your discipleship and growth in Christ, Freedom Ministry is for you.
It is important to understand that Freedom Ministry is a discipleship process that will yield great benefits while training you to walk and grow in the freedom Christ has provided. In addition to the weekly prayer opportunities at NLCC, that process has several components...

The Freedom Ministry Process
These five classes are designed to set the stage for you to begin the Journey to Freedom. Each class provides a part of a larger picture which will deepen your experience of freedom as well as help you to maintain a life of freedom over time. These classes will eventually be offered on an ongoing basis throughout the year, and they will, in and of themselves, provide a great deal of freedom to those who participate.
KAIROS is a two-day Freedom Ministry event presented by New Life Community Church. In the New Testament, the word kairos means “the appointed time in the purpose of God.” It’s the time when God acts. KAIROS is a time for you to experience God - deeper and higher. It’s a time for inner healing and breaking strongholds as well as physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing.
KAIROS is designed to create a safe atmosphere for you, within a group setting, to experience God’s healing power by having an intimate encounter with the Holy Spirit through worship and inner-healing exercises. This event is for individuals seeking God’s presence to heal and set them free.
KAIROS is designed to create a safe atmosphere for you, within a group setting, to experience God’s healing power by having an intimate encounter with the Holy Spirit through worship and inner-healing exercises. This event is for individuals seeking God’s presence to heal and set them free.