Flourish is a ministry of New Life Community Church. Our purpose is to flourish - as women, wives, mothers, friends, professionals - and in every area of life as we journey, together, towards Jesus.

Psalms 92:12-14
Those who are devoted to God will flourish like budding date-palm trees; they will grow strong and tall like cedars in Lebanon. Those planted in the house of the Eternal will thrive in the courts of our God. They will bear fruit into old age; even in winter, they will be green and full of sap.


Bible Reading Plan 

Each year we commit to reading God’s Word together. Each day we read a portion of God’s Word and discuss our thoughts and what Holy Spirit has showed us on our Flourish Facebook Page. Together we learn God’s Word and grow in our faith.
These times are so special to us!

Bible Study

We meet together in the Fall, Spring and Summer for a women’s Bible study. The Fall and Spring Bible studies take place in the evenings, usually on Wednesday, and our Summer Bible study takes place on Thursday mornings. We’ve completed Bible studies together, studied women of the Bible, and studied books of the Bible. These Bible study times are always a beautiful time with Jesus and friends!

Flourish Gathering

Three to four times a year we get to get together for events. Food, movie nights, special speakers and worship nights have all been a part of these gatherings. It is always a sweet time of fellowship and it’s a great place to bring a friend and get introduced to New Life. Come and be blessed!

Taco Tuesday

Once a quarter we meet together at a local restaurant for dinner with friends. This has always been a good way to end a long work day - with good food and good friends who love Jesus like you do!

Book Club

Over the Summer, our book club makes it a goal to read three books. We meet in the evenings for dinner and to discuss the books.
If you love to read, you will love our Flourish Book Club!


Jennifer Sundarland