Our current leaders have been serving the Body of Christ for many years, and they bring with
them a wonderful ability and anointing to lead, inspire and care for this church family.

Jim Reed
Lead Pastor
Pastor Jim teaches the Word of God, oversees worship ministry, and directs the overall Freedom and Discipleship ministries of NLCC…and gets to do it all with a fantastic group of staff pastors!

Stephanie Reed
Associate Pastor/Preschool Pastor
Along with organizing showers, getting meals to people, doing counseling, and providing all sorts of pastoral care… Pastor Stephanie also oversees the pre-school ministry for the littlest New Lifers.

Annette Beggarly
Children's Pastor/Administrator
Pastor Annette oversees ministry for kids from Kindergarten to 5th grade, leads the RevWell fitness class, does freedom counseling, and still manages to keep the office flowing smoothly.

Caleb Reed
Youth Pastor/Facilities
Pastor Caleb leads our weekly Student Ministry, organizes camps and retreats, hosts small groups and Bible studies, and does it all while overseeing the maintenance of the building and grounds.

Steve Driskill
Men's Ministry/Finance
He works with volunteer teams, leads the Men’s Ministry, helps people move, mentors men in recovery…and still Pastor Steve makes sure the bills all get paid.

Jennifer Sunderland
Women's Ministry/ Event Coordinator
Along with leading the Flourish Women’s ministry Bible studies and events, Pastor Jenni also organizes big events like VBS and Trunk-or-Treat.

Ariana Reed
Creative Director
If you see it at New Life…on the screen, on the website, on a brochure…Ariana created it, and she does all that while overseeing our FB page and our terrific website.